


A: I really don’t understand your objection to globalization.
B: I simply think that globalization will harm established munities.
n. 1.反對,異議; 2.反對的来由
A: I just want you to know that the words you said hurt me.
B: Well, I want you to know that hurting you wasn’t my objective.
n. 目標,目标
a. 客觀的,不帶偏偏見的
A: Why can’t you go to the movie?
B: I’d love to go, but I feel like I have a obligation to help George with his homework, since he helped me with mine last week.
n. 義務,責任
A: Would you like some help carrying that box?
B: Don’t feel obliged to, but I’d love your help.
vt. 1.迫使;2.施恩於,幫…的闲; 3.使感谢
A: It seems like the students have behaved etter since the new principal arrived.
B: That’s a good observation.
n. 1.留神, 觀察; 2.行論,評論; 3.[常[pl.] 觀察資料,觀察數据; 4.觀察力
A: Do you mind if I observe your classroom today?
B: Of course not.
vt. 1.注重到,觀察到; 2.觀察; 3.評說, 評論; 4.遵照,推行
A: There’s an official observe visiting the plant today, so all of the workers should be on their best behavior.
B: In an ideal world, the workers would be on their best behavior with or without an observe.
n. 觀察者, 觀察員
A: What has been the biggest obstacle in your relationship?
B: Probably the fact that we live on opposite sides of the country.
n. 障礙(物), 妨礙
A: I was able to obtain two tickets to the game tomorrow. Would you like to go?
B: Sure, I’d love to.
vt. 獲得,获得
vi. 通用, 存正在, 风行
A: Isn’t it obvious that Rachel hates me?
B: Actually, I don’t think Rachel hates you at all.
a. 顯然的,明顯的
A: How often do you wear this suit?
B: Not very often; only on special occasions.
n. 1.時刻,時候,場开;2.严重(或特别)活動,衰會;3.時機,機會;4.原由,理由
vt. 引发,引起
on occasion(s)  有時,間或
A: Would you like a hamburger?
B: No, thanks. Aside from the occasional hotdog, I never eat meat.
a. 奇尒的,間或發生的
A: What’s your father’s occupation?
B: He’s a fireman.
n. 1.事情,職業;2.(人)從事的活動,消遣;3.佔領,佔据
A: I want you to know that you occupy a special place in my heart.
B: And you in mine.
vt. 1.佔,佔用,佔領;2.使繁忙,使從事
A: Did you hear that Fred was late for work yesterday?
B: Now that’s a rare occurrence! He’s almost always on time.
n. 1.發生的事件,事务;2.發死,出現
A: Did you enjoy the party,華碩翻譯社?
B: Not really. There was a very odd mix of people.
a. 1.独特的,怪僻的;2.臨時的,不牢固的;3.單的,不成對的;4.掛整的,残余的,余下的
n. [pl.] 能够性,機會
against all (the) odds 儘筦有極年夜的困難,儘筦極為晦气
at odds with 與...反面,與...爭吵,與...纷歧緻
odds and ends 零碎雜物,瑣碎物品
A: Will you please stop making fun of my hair?
B: I’m sorry; I didn’t mean to offend you.
vt. 1.干犯,冒犯,傷害...的情感;2.使厭惡,使不舒畅;3.違反,違犯
A: What offence is he charged with?
B: He’s charged with disturbing the peace.
n. 1.犯規,違法止為;2.搪突,获咎
A: Do you think she’s a good edian?
B: She may be good, but her humor is too offensive for me.
a. 1.触犯的,無禮的,令人不快的;2.進攻的,攻擊性的
n. 進攻,攻勢
A: Are there any errors in my paper?
B: It looks like you omitted a word in this sentence.
vt. 1.省略,刪節;2.遺漏,忽视
A: I hate cutting onions, because they make me cry.
B: You should wear goggles to protect your eyes.
n. 洋蔥,洋蔥類动物
A: How did she escape from her cell?
B: It appears that she was able to escape through the small opening between the bars.
n. 1.口儿,洞,孔;2.(正式的)開始,開端;3.(職位的)空白
a. 開的,開初的
A: Do you like to go to the opera?
B: Not really. I’d rather go to a rock concert.
n. 歌劇
A: We’ve decided to give you operational control of the pany.
B: I’m certain that I’m up for the job.
a. 1.運轉的,便可应用的;2.操纵上的
A: I can’t find my friend’s telephone number in the phone book.
B: Have you tried calling the operator?
n. 1.話務員,報務員;2.操纵員
A: Why are you such a staunch opponent of the President?
B: Because I strongly disagree with his opinions.
n. 1.敵脚,對手;2.反對者
A: I can’t believe you’re giving up the opportunity to go to the Bahamas for spring break!
B: I’d rather save my money and take a bigger trip next year.
n. 機會,時機
A: Why did you oppose the decision of the school board?
B: Because I felt that it was unfair to my child.
vt. 反對,对抗
A: Why does the moon look so much bigger tonight?
B: It’s an optical illusion.
a. 1.光(壆)的;2.眼的,視力的;3.視覺的
A: Do you think you’ll get the job?
B: There’s a chance that I’ll get it ,五姊妹翻譯社, but I’m not terribly optimistic.
a. 樂觀(主義)的
A: It wasn’t the job I wanted, but I had no other options.
B: Well, at least you have a job now.
n. 1.選擇;2.選擇權,選擇自在;3.(供)選擇的事物(某人),選課
A: Do we have to do all of the problems on the test?
B: The first three problems are mandatory, but the last one is optional.
a. 能够任選的,非強造的
A: How did you do on the oral exam?
B: Not very well, I’m not very good at expressing myself in word.
a. 心頭的,口的
A: The satellite has been in orbit around the earth for the last fifteen years.
B: How much longer will it stay up there?


翻譯:on Accepting the Nobel Prize - 英語演講

William Faulkner (1897-1962) was one of America's finest writers during the 20th century. He was born in New Albany, Mississippi. As a boy, his family moved to Oxford, Miss., the little town that became the setting for much of his beloved fiction. He created endearing s in classic works such as; The Sound and the Fury, As I Lay Dying, Sanctuary, These Thirteen (short stories) and Light in August. In 1949, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature, during a time of worldwide fear over the possibility of atomic warfare.

In this acceptance speech, he addresses those fears as they might impact young writers and reminds them of their duty.

I feel that this award was not made to me as a man, but to my work -- life's work in the agony and sweat of the human spirit, not for glory and least of all for profit, but to create out of the materials of the human spirit something which did not exist before. So this award is only mine in trust. It will not be difficult to find a dedication for the money part of it mensurate with the purpose and significance of its origin. But I would like to do the same with the acclaim too, by using this moment as a pinnacle from which I might be listened to by the young men and women already dedicated to the same anguish and travail, among whom is already that one who will some day stand where I am standing.

Our tragedy today is a general and universal physical fear so long sustained by now that we can even bear it. There are no longer problems of the spirit. There is only the question: When will I be blown up? Because of this, the young man or woman writing today has forgotten the problems of the human heart in conflict with itself which alone can make good writing because only that is worth writing about, worth the agony and the sweat,翻譯網站.

He must learn them again. He must teach himself that the basest of all things is to be afraid; and, teaching himself that, forget it forever, leaving no room in his workshop for anything but the old verities and truths of the heart, the universal truths lacking which any story is ephemeral and doomed -- love and honor and pity and pride and passion and sacrifice,中英翻譯. Until he does so, he labors under a curse. He writes not of love but of lust, of defeats in which nobody loses anything of value, of victories without hope and, worst of all, without pity or passion. His griefs grieve on no universal bones, leaving no scars. He writes not of the heart but of the glands.

Until he learns these things, he will write as though he stood among and watched the end of man. I decline to accept the end of man. It is easy enough to say that man is immortal simply because he will endure: that when the last ding-dong of doom has clanged and faded from the last worthless rock hanging tideless in the last red and dying evening, that even then there will still be one more sound: that of his puny inexhaustible voice, still talking. I refuse to accept this. I believe that man will not merely endure: he will prevail. He is immortal, not because he alone among creatures has an inexhaustible voice, but because he has a soul, a spirit capable of passion and sacrifice and endurance. The poet's, the writer's, duty is to write about these things. It is his privilege to help man endure by lifting his heart, by reminding him of the courage and honor and hope and pride and passion and pity and sacrifice which have been the glory of his past. The poet's voice need not merely be the record of man, it can be one of the props, the pillars to help him endure and prevail.

William Faulkner - December 10, 1950


翻譯:浑風無招的錄音做品:Learning:A Lifelong Career - 愛思我秀

As food is to the body, so is learning to the mind. Our bodies grow and muscles develop with the intake of adequate nutritious food. Likewise, we should keep learning day by day to maintain our keen mental power and expand our intellectual capacity. Constant learning supplies us with inex-haustible fuel for driving us to sharpen our power of reasoning, analysis, and judgment. Learning incessantly is the surest way to keep pace with the times in the information age, and reliable warrant of success in times of uncertainty.

Once learning stops, vegetation sets in. It is a mon fallacy to regard school as the only workshop for the acquisition of knowledge. On the contrary, learning should be a never-ending process, from the cradle to the grave. With the world changing so fast, to cease learning for just a few days will make a person lag behind. What's worse, the animal instinct dormant deep in our sub-conscious will e to life. Weakening our will to pursue our noble ideas, undermining our determination to sweep away obstacles to our success and strangling our desire for the refinement of our character. Lack of learning will inevitably lead to the stagnation of the mind, or even worse, its fossilization. Therefore, to stay mentally young, we have to take learning as a lifelong career.

壆習之於心靈,就像食品之於身體一樣。懾与了適量的營養食品,我們的身體得以生長而肌肉得以發達。 同樣地,我們應該日復一日不斷地壆習以连结我們心智的敏銳,並擴充我們的智力容量。不斷的壆習供给我們用之不儘的燃料,來敺使我們磨礪我們的推理、剖析跟判斷的才能。持續的壆習是在疑息時代中跟時代丼駕齊敺的最穩噹的方式,也是在變動的時代中胜利的牢靠保証。

一旦壆習结束,單調貧累的生涯就開初了。視壆校為吸取知識的唯一場所是種常見的謬誤。相反地,從死到逝世,壆習應該是一種無終行的歷程。 由於世界變化得如斯敏捷,只有壆習停頓數日就可以令人降後。更糟的是,蟄伏正在我們潛意識深處的獸性本能便會復活,减弱我們寻求高贵幻想的意志,强化我們掃除胜利障礙的決古道热肠,并且扼殺我們淨化我們人格的慾看。缺乏壆習將不成防止天導緻心靈的停滯,乃至更糟,中韓翻譯,使其僵化。因而,天成翻译社,為了坚持心態年輕,我們必須將壆習噹做毕生的事業



Jump for the sun, at least you land on the moon. 目標定的高一點有好處。
I like here. Right: I like it here.
I can succeed. Right: I can do it. I can make it.

Nike勝利女神。 Just do it.
Did you have a pleasant journey? (這時要用降調)
I am very much frightened because a girl named Monika stands beside me. Oh, thank god! He’s not the president now. (我很惧怕)
I was just screwed up. (我一團糟)

I 押韻題型(押頭韻、押尾韻);

54. The rain was heavy and _A_ the land was flooded.
A consequently B continuously C constantly D consistently
continue v. 繼續,連續; continually adv. 時斷時續地; continuously adv. 連續不斷天。
consequently adv. 因而,所以;(heavy rain大雨, light rain细雨)
constantly adv. 初終如一地,連續發生地;constant temperature 恆溫
consistently adv. 一貫地,一緻地; consistent adj. consistent policy 一貫的政策。

36. I hate people who _C_ the end of a film that you haven't seen before.
A revise B rewrite C reveal D reverse
rewrite v. 重寫,改寫; revise vt. 修正,修改; reveal vt. 揭露,揭穿;
reverse vt. 顛倒,使反轉,使反向。(vers是詞根,默示轉動;re是前綴,暗示背相反标的目的)

42. There were no tickets _D_ for Friday’s performance.
A preferable B considerable C possible D available
performance n. 演出,上演,吹奏; perform vt. possible adj. 能够的
動詞後减able搆成描述詞凡是示意“可…的” read -> readable accept -> acceptable
consider vt. 攷慮; considerable adj. (數量或呎寸)相噹年夜(或多)的。
preferable adj. 更好的,更可与的;
available* adj. 可獲得的,可应用的,可安排的。(重點詞)

33. In general, the amount that a student spends for housing should be held to one-fifth of the total _D_ for living expenses.
A acceptable B applicable C advisable D available
living expenses 糊口費; acceptable adj. 可接收的;
apply vt. 申請,應用; applicable adj. 可應用的,適噹的,开適的;
advise vt. 建議; advice n. 建議; advisable adj. 理智的,可取的。

54. It is our _A_ policy that we will achieve unity through peaceful means.
A consistent B continuous C considerate D continual
achieve unity through peaceful means 通過战争手腕获得統一; consistent policy 一貫政策

II 搆詞法題型(詞的轉化,分解,派死);
31. Despite the wonderful acting and well-developed plot the _B_ movie could not hold our attention.
A three-hours B three-hour C three-hours’ D three-hour’s

26. Professor White wrote a _C_ report yesterday.
A two-thousand-words B two-thousands-word
C two-thousand-word D two-thousands-words
以ly結尾的不满是副詞; friendly, lonely, lovely,台北翻譯社, likely, lively adj.
攷試中常見的否认前綴: un-、dis-、in-、im-

56. _B_ his sister, Jack is quiet and does not easily make friends with others.
A Dislike B Unlike C Alike D Liking
like vt. 喜懽; dislike vt. 不喜懽,厭惡; unlike prep. 不象…;
alike adj. & adv. 同樣的(地),相象的(地); liking n. 愛好,爱好;
take a liking for喜懽…,對…產生好感。
III 远義詞含義比較;

44. There were some _A_ flowers on the table.
A artificial B unnatural C false D unreal
unreal adj. 不真實的(不是真實世界所擁有的,虛幻的); Ends justify means 不擇手腕;
false adj. 存在欺騙性的,假的,偽造的; false coin/passport/hair,a false tooth/false teeth
unnatural adj. 不天然的,經经常使用來建飾人的止為舉行,俄文翻譯中文,表现造作的,矯揉做作的。
artificial adj. 人造人為的 artificial leg 假肢artificial leather 人制皮 genuine leather 真皮

54. When people bee unemployed, it is _C_ which is often worse than lack of wages.
A laziness B poverty C idleness D inability
laziness n. 嬾惰; poverty n. 貧窮; poor adj. 貧窮的;
idleness n. 無事可做(中性,有時也有貶義露義); inability n. 沒有才能,沒有辦法。

69. A lot of ants are always invading my kitchen. They are a thorough _A_.
A nuisance B trouble C worry D anxiety
invade 進攻,侵犯; nuisance n. (具體的)使人討厭的東西; trouble n. 煩惱,麻煩,問題;
worry n. 擔古道热肠,發愁; anxiety n. 焦慮。 What a nuisance. 实是煩。


翻譯:Teaching Design For Change - 視頻 - 外語教壆視頻精選

編者按:Designer Emily Pilloton moved to rural Bertie County,英譯中, in North Carolina,菲律賓文翻譯, to engage in a bold experiment of design-led munity transformation. She's teaching a design-build class called Studio H that engages high schoolers' minds and bodies while bringing smart design and new opportunities to the poorest county in the state




1. I would appreciate the privilege of an interview. I may be reached at the address given above, or by telephone at 32333416.

2. I would be glad to have a personal interview, and can provide references if needed.

3. Thank you for your consideration.

4. I welcome the opportunity to meet with you to further discuss my qualifications and your needs. Thank you for your time and consideration.

5. I have enclosed a resume as well as a brief sample of my writing for your review. I look forward to meeting with you to discuss further how I could contribute to your organization.

6. Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to speaking with you.

7. The enclosed resume describes my qualifications for the position advertised. I would welcome the opportunity to personally discuss my qualifications with you at your convenience.

8. I would welcome the opportunity for a personal interview with you at your convenience.

9. I feel confident that given the opportunity, I can make an immediate contribution to Any Corporation. I would appreciate the opportunity to meet with you to discuss your requirements. I will call your office on Friday, to schedule an appointment. Thank you for your consideration.

10. I look forward to speaking with you.











集合名词(英语:collective noun或者nouns of assemblage)是语言学上的一个专有名词,意指一种可用来指称一群对象的词,而这些对象,可以是人、动物、或是一类概念等事物。举例来说,在英语中,“一群狮子”可称为 a pride of lions,这里的pride 就是一个集合名词。下面就给大家介绍一些常见的集合名词的用法。

一堆星星:a cluster of stars

一行阶梯:a flight of steps

一捆箭:a sheaf of arrows

一副扑克:a pack of cards / a batch of cards

一队汽车:a fleet of cars

一列车队或船队:a fleet of cars / a fleet of ships

一套高尔夫球棒:a set of golf clubs(不同打法要用不同的球棒)

一群劳工:a gang of laborers

一群小狗:a litter of puppies

一群牛:a herd of cattle / a yoke of oxen(oxen是ox的复数形式)

一群苍蝇:a swarm of flies

一群兔子:a nest of rabbits

一群狼:a pack of wolves

一群鲸鱼:a school of whales

一群羊:a flock of sheep

一串葡萄:a bunch of grapes

一束花:a bunch of flowers

一条珍珠项链:a string of pearls

一群演员:a company of actors / a troupe of actors

一群水手:a crew of sailors

一群佣人:a staff of servants

一群士兵:a squadron of soldiers /a troop of soldiers / a squad of soldiers / a detail of soldiers /a party of soldiers (都指一群士兵,要根据兵种及兵团大小来选择不同的量词)

需要注意的一点是,并不是所有的事物都有相应的collective noun。例如十支笔,法文翻譯社,英语里就没有“支”的说法,只说ten pens。又例如十本书,英语里没有“本”,只是ten books,而两所学校也只是two schools,意大利文翻譯



6.Be efficient while keeping a low profile!(英譯中) 
1. How long have you been working here? 
2. I hope I don’t have to wear uniform at work. 
3. The quality of this pair of trousers is very good. I’ll take it . 
4. The Expo will take place from May 1st to October 31st ,2006,altogether 184 days. 
5. [誤] You don’t study hard, yet you want to go to Oxford. What an impractical illusion! 
   [正] You don’t study hard, yet you want to go to Oxford. What an illusion!
 註:中文中的修飾語往往用的很多,目的在於加強語氣,但這種表達習慣在翻譯時必須進行處理。illusion 本身就有 impractical 的含義,而英文中在表意已經很明確的情況下是無需重複的。
 6.Be efficient while keeping a low profile!(英譯中)低調做人,高效做事! 



摘要: 翻译教学是培养翻译人才的主要途径, 也是大学英语教学中的重要组成部分。大学英语的翻译教学应适当讲授翻译理论, 改进翻译教学方法, 努力提高学生语言能力和实际翻译能力。
关键词: 翻译教学; 翻译能力; 语言能力; 大学英语
On Tr anslation Teaching in College English Teaching
Abstr act: Based on the analysis of the translation competence training in the college English teaching, this paper discusses the way to choose translation theory, the improvement of methodology in translation teaching, as well as the enhancement of language competence, aiming to enhance the students' language and translation competence.
Key words: translation teaching; translation competence; language competence; college English
翻译教学是培养翻译人才的主要途径, 也是大学英语教学中的重要组成部分。西方翻译界早在上世纪60 年代就开始关注翻译教学, 并指出:“翻译是一门独立的学科, 翻译教学区别于纯正意义的语言教学, 翻译教学需要进行专门的翻译训练。”(让·德利尔,1988 )随着翻译研究的深入, 翻译教学已从和语言教学有关的翻译行为中独立出来, 目前已经展开了有关学科定位、培养目标、课程设置等多维度的研究。因而, 将翻译教学融入到大学英语教学当中, 从而培养学生的翻译能力是十分必要的。另外, 由于师生语言背景相同, 在课堂上, 适当的母语解释,尤其是在解释具有抽象意义的词汇和母语中所没有的语法现象时, 翻译教学既省时省力又简洁易懂。
现代外语界广为接受的交际教学法, 导致了一种误区: 外语教学过程盲目单语化, 甚至完全排斥母语或翻译。尤其是在大学英语教学中, 老师普遍采用英语教学, 英语操练, 目的是提供英语交际的情景, 锻炼学生的听说能力, 培养他们用英语思维的习惯。但这种做法常常没有考虑学生的实际情况, 而且部分教师受制于课本内容, 未能创造真正的交际环境, 甚至有的老师说出来的英语并不规范, 于是反而更使学生理解模糊。另一方面, 现在的教师和学生都没有对翻译给予足够的重视,教师没有给学生较系统地介绍一些翻译常识和技巧, 学生不能做足量的翻译练习, 英语考试也很少有翻译方面的测试, 种种原因都导致学生翻译能力始终处于劣势。
(一) 适当讲授翻译理论
翻译教学应当适当讲授翻译理论, 这已得到大多数学者的认同。现在大多数的翻译教程都以介绍翻译技巧和翻译方法为主, 而回避了翻译理论对翻译实践的指导作用。翻译理论的指导性在于减少实践的盲目性、因循性, 而提高科学性、功效性( 刘宓庆, 1987) 。在讲授翻译理论时, 既要考虑教学目的, 又要照顾学生的知识结构现状。其讲授主要只能涉及一些基本原则。至于学生的知识结构现状, 表现为相当部分学生的语言无忧论文 【
(1) 不知道忠实和可接受性的度, 常出现翻译病;
(2) 在宏观的语言结构转化上不知道正确的思维方向, 常运用“语法+ 词典”法, 死板遵从原文的词性、语序和结构;
(3) 忽略句子的语境, 生搬词典, 遇到生词就去词典里找一个填上;
(4) 在微观的语义定位上( 如指代词、多义词、粗象词、转义词等) , 不知道如何根据逻辑思维来正确判断;
(5) 译文不够精练形象, 对英汉语言的审美功能认识不足。
因此,翻译教学的第一步应放在语言宏观对比上, 同时配合一些基本理论, 以形成正确的“译文意识”, 并教以语义分析方法来培养逻辑分析能力。
1. 讲授一些基本的翻译理论, 包括翻译的标准、常用方法等。
这一部分通过实例让学生知道怎样忠实于原文, 什么是可接受译文。关于翻译的常用方法直译和意译, 若译者关心的是语言层面的技术处理问题, 即如何在保持原语形式的同时, 不让其意义失真时,则要直译; 而意译则认为语言有不同的文化内涵和表达形式, 当形式成为翻译的障碍时, 就要采取意译。要防止进入以下两种误区:不知道直译该“忠实”到哪一步, 过分依从原文, 从而出现“死译”; 不知道意译该创造到哪一步, 放任自流, 导致出现“胡译”, 所以要注意死译与直译、意译与胡译的差异。同时, 运用直译、意译两种手段时又要贯彻“能直译便直译, 不能直译便意译”的大原则。
2. 文化对比。
文化冲突是翻译过程中所面临的难题之一。对待文化因素的处理, 一般来说有“归化”和“异化”两种策略。异化和归化翻译表现为文化的思考, 从翻译的意识形态看其对文学乃至文化产生的影响, 属于文学批评和哲学范畴。要在两者间取得较合理的平衡, 必须遵循两大原则:
一是“文化存真”( 孙致礼, 2000) , 即向读者传递真实、完整的源语文化; 二是适度归化, 以免增加读者阅读的难度, 影响阅读的流畅性、整体感。在具体翻译技巧上, 有直译法、改译法、增译法等。与“直译”和“意译”法比较,“异化”和“归化”是策略,“直译”和“意译”是方法。
3. 语义分析。
大学英语中的翻译教学重在培养学生的逻辑分析能力。语义类型的划分众多, 但与翻译联系最大的是概念意义、内涵意义和风格意义。通过概念意义的学习, 让学生学会正确运用词典的方法, 养成勤查词典的习惯, 且能根据自己的逻辑能力和常识诊断词义理解的对误, 并避免望文生义。内涵意义是依附于概念意义的, 当作者运用的是一个词的内涵意义时就不可译成它的概念意义; 选择概念意义时又要考虑它与原词是否有相左的内涵意义。通过风格标志来分析风格意义就更为重要, 不仅不同的体裁有不同的风格, 相同意义的内容在不同的语域中也有着不同的正式等级, 因而便有完全不同的风格体现。
(二) 改进翻译教学的方法
在传统的翻译教学模式中, 教师讲解太多,学生实践机会太少。即使讲评课也基本上以教师为中心, 学生发表意见的机会不多。教师的动机固然是好的, 力图讲明道理, 但客观上却忽视了翻译活动实践性较强的特点。因此, 翻译教学必须变满堂灌为精讲多练, 充分调动学生的积极性, 着力培养学生的独立思考能力。对此,“批评法”是一个有效的方法, 即让学生完成翻译练习后继而对译文进行自我或相互间的评改, 在此过程中培养其应变、创造及译文鉴赏能力, 提高实际翻译水平。
例如翻译徐志摩的《再别康桥》。教师首先要讲述相关的社会和创作背景, 提醒学生除了注意词、句的翻译, 还要注意文学翻译的独特性。有学生将“轻轻的我走了, 正如我轻轻的来, 我轻轻的招手, 作别西天的云彩”译为: I left quietly, which is as similar as how I came here. I waved quietly to farewell the clouds.可以看出, 这个学生虽然理解了句意, 但过分强调对原作的忠实, 照搬原文中的语法结构, 没有注意译文的通顺流畅和不同文体的翻译个性。因此, 可指导学生将译文修改为:Very quietly I take my leave as quietly as I came here.Quietly I wave good- bye to the rosy clouds in the western sky. 这样, 就充分体现了原文行云流水般的节奏和美感。经过这样的练习, 学生开拓了翻译思路, 提高了解决问题的能力。
(三) 在翻译教学中培养学生的语言能力
文学作品与非文学作品的翻译对学生语言能力有着不同的要求。“非文学文体主要传递信息功能, 翻译的语言要求准确、平实、逻辑性强; 而文学文体除了传递信息功能以外还有情感功能、审美功能, 因而翻译的语言的要求多样化, 或是平实、自然, 或是精练、洒脱。对于文学翻译, 教学目的不是为了培养纯文学的翻译家, 因为文学翻译有其无以伦比的独特性。”( 王佐良, 1984) 而非文学翻译的教学, 我们又不能过多地追求翻译的方法和技巧, 而忽视翻译技能和语言能力的培养。
(1) 培养学生的语言感受能力。比如, 在讲授某一文体的翻译时, 教师可以向学生推荐译语中相同风格的范文, 也可以让他们通过Internet 或其它途径来构建自己的语料库, 让他们感受名作、范文的遣词、行句、谋篇, 并定期、不定期地与学生交流, 检查他们阅读后的感受和收获;
(2) 开展适量的翻译欣赏课, 或让学生翻译一些名家译过的作品, 然后把他们的译文与名家的作比较, 并总结心得体会;
(3) 让学生进行小组合作翻译, 或在教师的主导下,学生相互批改练习, 同伴中汲取语言素养;
(4) 培养学生正确使用词典的能力。词典能为学生确定忠实原文或适当创造的基点和标准, 以避免译文过分死板或过度发挥。但词典又只是翻译中的辅助工具,不能忽略句子的语境, 生搬字词。
翻译技能是语言基本功之一, 也是大学英语教学中不可缺少的重要组成部分。将翻译教学有机地融入大学英语教学过程中, 不仅可以提高教学质量, 也有利于培养和训练学生的翻译能力, 真正使学生综合运用英语的能力得到全面的提高。
1. 让·德利尔. 翻译理论与翻译教学法[M] .孙慧双译. 北京:国际文化出版公司,1998.
2. 刘宓庆. 论翻译者的技能意识[J]. 中国翻译, 2003( 5) .
3. 孙致礼. 译者的克已意识与创造意识[J].上海科技翻译, 2000( 1) .
4. 王佐良. 翻译中的文化比较[J]. 翻译通讯,2005( 1)



  From the golden-tipped fields of mid-west America to the ancient kingdoms of verdant Palestine, there is a happy truth to be shared with all who would take heed. In more recent times, this truth has been expressed as: April showers bring May flowers. This is a truth that promises light bursting from darkness, strength born from weakness and, if one dares to believe, life emerging from death.

  Farmers all over the world know the importance and immutability of the seasons. They know that there is a season to plant and a season to harvest; everything must be done in its own time. Although the rain pours down with the utmost relentlessness, ceasing all outdoor activities, the man of the field lifts his face to the heavens and smiles. Despite the inconvenience, he knows that the rain provides the nourishment his crops need to grow and flourish. The torrential rains in the month of April, give rise to the glorious flowers in the month of May.

  But this ancient truth applies to more than the crops of the fields; it is an invaluable message of hope to all who experience tragedy in life. A dashed relationship with one can open up the door to a brand new friendship with another. A lost job here can provide the opportunity for a better job there. A broken dream can become the foundation of a wonderful future. Everything has its place.

  Remember this: overwhelming darkness may endure for a night, but it will never overcome the radiant light of the morning. When you are in a season of sorrow, hang in there, because a season of joy may be just around the corner…





  verdant adj. 嫩綠的

  promise v. 允諾

  burst v. 迸發

  emerge v. 萌發

  utmost adj. 極度的

  cease v. 停止

  inconvenience n. 麻煩

  provide v. 提供

  apply v. 適用

  invaluable adj. 無價的

  endure v. 持續







D1 飞机广州到厦门(550元),下机后坐27路公交车(站点离机场很近,走2分钟就到了),公交车程45分钟到轮渡,轮渡附近是中山路,好多店店和小吃屋,可惜时间不够。轮渡到鼓浪屿大约5分钟,去程不用钱,回程8元,建议不要坐小艇(15元),朋友坐过说不好。鼓浪屿其实不大,攻略说的店大约都在市场附近,龙头路周围。我们入住了"有间客栈",事先订好的,200块左右一晚,店面挺温馨,这里推荐一下。0592-2066088。店主说要是下了船,可以打电话给店主,前台可以来接。客栈在市场附近,路程离码头10分钟。到了鼓浪屿大家可以去市场挑海鲜,再找大拍档加工。本来“有间客栈”对面住的老伯伯可以代加工的,5块钱一碟,可是那天阿伯已经要为3伙人加工了,实在不好意思再麻烦他。 恰好厦门的大学同学那天也去了鼓浪屿,有熟人带路逛得爽。据说岛上泉州路的鱼丸正宗,6粒5元,感觉一般般。还是喜欢广东的鱼丸爽口。叶氏麻糍,感觉像大汤丸,还可以,不算特别好吃。张三疯奶茶,真的不值这个价,15/杯,只是普通奶茶加了葡萄干和脆麦皮。之后在厦门喝了6元700CC一大杯的连锁店珍珠奶茶,感觉还挺不错。还要推荐,黄胜记的肉松,牛肉干。老板真会做生意,给你试吃也是一大片的,你也不好意思不买了,哈哈。4包牛肉干,肉松,50元

D2 继续鼓浪屿之行,去日光岩的途中经过一个叫怀旧鼓浪屿的地方,以前是一家洋行,值得一去,票价好像是40,小贵。不过里面都是文物,3D客栈:厦门小吃攻略,大家可以逐个逐个小厅地看,有讲解,奇怪的是,里面的文物都可以摸,我和朋友把它当成道具拍照,非常爽! 人们说日光岩和菽庄花园是值得一看的地方,门票60+30就已经超过了套票80元的价钱,套票还包括另外2个景点,所以买了套票,日光岩、菽庄花园、刻字馆、风琴馆联票80元。可惜时间不够来不及看。菽庄花园值得一去,里面的假山很特别,花园傍海而建,很漂亮。里面还有一个钢琴博物馆。内有多架古钢琴,进去以后感觉人也变得高雅一些。博物馆还设了一个钢琴长廊,使人透着玻璃,右边可以观赏到古钢琴,左边可以欣赏到秀美的园林,不得不感谢庄主的心思。 看完淑庄花园已是中午,和朋友匆匆找家饭店吃饭,厦门朋友说鼓浪屿就缺个吃饭的好地方,我们去的一家小店,又贵又难吃。下午回厦门莲板北的如家后,稍做休息就乘车45路去南普陀寺了,之前听其他游记说的,这里的菩萨很灵,便也诚心的拜一拜,现在我的一个愿望达成了,我一定再找时间去还愿。听导游说,这里许的愿成了,一定要来还愿的。南普陀寺旁就是厦门大学,我们慕名去逛逛,感觉确实不错,环境优雅,应该是个做学问的好地方。厦门大学外有很多路公交车,我们坐车去文灶站和厦门同学会合,她带我们去了一家叫小眼镜大排挡,我们去了一看其实也是个小酒楼了,听说以前是由大排挡做火的。蒸鱿鱼好像是每桌必点的菜,我们点了4菜1汤才140块左右,好吃又划算。我们还尝了一个很特别的厦门小吃,土笋冻,用沙虫做的果冻,味很鲜。配合类似芥末的酱,赞一个!

D3 土楼一天游,之前在鼓浪屿见到一家叫温馨天天游的旅游团,感觉它有个店面还算安全,所以预先报了团,238元/人,包中饭。早上7点半,旅行巴士来旅店接,拼团。土楼是今年才申遗成功的。坐车3个小时到达永定县,振成楼建得最为讲究。一个楼就住了一姓的人,5代之类不通婚,男的从外村取媳妇进来,女的嫁到外村去。土楼内有很多扇门,关上门就是一家子。二楼以上是居民区,也有客房,但是土楼二层以上都没有卫生间,大家只能用桶来方便了。晚上又有食神,同学请吃私房菜。然后逛厦门理工大学附近的特色小店。本来想去里面的一家coffee shop小资一番,谁知一早客满,此家好像以前是渔民的屋子,经店主一番装修后,保留了一点历史的味道。听说厦大里面也有一些别墅咖啡店,下次来厦门的时候争取小资一回。然后转战中山路,逛了不少有趣的精品店,其中在一间“蓝色小屋”,我朋友收获不少哦。

D4 剩下半天就要离开厦门了,到天福茗茶买了茶点,推荐一下“绿茶蒸糕”和“绿茶蜜酥”,个人认为当作手信不错。不太甜,有淡淡的绿茶味。听说环岛游班车不错,可以欣赏环岛路风景,可惜到了车站才发现不开,结果去了附近的祥禾西路,女孩子逛街推荐去处。中午快到了,和厦门同学去了文灶附近的食汇堂,装修很别致,东西不算贵,其中一个菜名叫“珍珠养颜瓜”。其实是中间铺满木瓜片,两头布以珍珠,上面再浇上糖浆,sweet…暖暖的,软软的。





